故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁133 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁287-288&* 七月初七,俗稱七巧節,大體說來,對閨中婦女的意義比較濃。畫幅裡的閨中婦女,正設立香案,對月乞巧,細細的好像能聽到祝禱的聲音。男士們卻比較閒散,在敞軒中吹彈作樂。山林裡面一片森森夜氣,有一兩隻喜鵲停棲著。在民間傳說中,說是牽牛織女,每年祇有在七夕見一次面,而渡過銀河之時,是由無數的鵲群,首尾相啣,連成的「鵲橋」接引。畫中的喜鵲,並不完全是為了點景。&*Occupations of the Twelve Months (7th Month) Painters of the Ch’ing court Ch’ing dynasty (1644-1911) The ladies are laying out a table under the moon for the Ch’i-ch’iao festival on the 7th day of the 7th month. Only on this night are Vega, the star of the weaver maiden, and Aquila, her husband and herdsman, allowed to rest from their toil and meet. Magpies must form a bridge across the Milky Way so that the maid may cross over to her husband’s home. On this night ladies on earth pray for special skill in the womanly arts. Here they test their fortune; one attempts to thread a needle in the moonlight, others place spiders in small boxes to see how perfectly the web will be woven. The men in the study relax and listen to a flute. In the mountains the night is very dark. A few magpies are already roosting in a tree; they seem to have retired prematurely from building a bridge for the weaver-maid. &*1.吳文彬,〈七夕乞巧 — 十二月令圖中之七月景〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第53期(1987年8月),頁54-57。 2.陳韻如,〈時間的形狀 — 〈清院畫十二月令圖〉研究〉,《故宮學術季刊》,第二十二卷第四期(2005年夏),頁103-139。